If you are a complete beginner, for your first few classes you will take part in a short warm up. We will teach you your guard how to stand and move properly, your first two punches and kicks plus some kicking and punching combinations.
Total Kickboxing classes take place on Mondays and Thursdays between 7.45 pm and 9.15 pm.
Absolutely nothing, come down give the class a try wear what is comfortable for you to train in. Track suite pants or Shorts T shirt Sweat shirt etc.
Like any sport, the more you do it the better you will become. But if you can only come once a week then that is fine. We can give you a structured program of techniques and exercises for you to do at home when you have more time.
Classes last for 90 mins and cost €10 on a pay as you attend bases. Monthly payments can be made and will earn discount.
Total kickboxing teaches all aspects of Martial Arts including Kick Fit / Box Fit, Kickboxing, K-1, Street Defence including, Strength, Flexibility, Balance, Physical-Coordination, Speed, Aerobic & Anaerobic conditioning, Grading, Competitions, Bag work, Pad work, and Shield work and general fitness training. You will build stamina, become more confident and burn calories with this fun and challenging workout. Remember everything is optional to you.
Classes are open to males and females from 14yrs upwards the main body of people attending are between the age of 17 to 50yrs, it really doesn’t matter what age you are, what body type you have or how fit or un fit you are we work with you to your best ability till you achieve a good fitness level.
Total Kickboxing / K-1 Box Fit classes at Total Kickboxing, can help you lose weight by burning calories and due to the vast range of aerobic and anaerobic exercises you can achieve a well-toned body. Like any new sport you start off slow and work your way into it.